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World leaders in
LED Lighting and Control


PP16XX LED Strobe Controller
  • PP16XX LED Strobe Controller
  • PP16XX LED Strobe Controller
  • PP16XX LED Strobe Controller

PP16XX LED Strobe Controller

Key features:

  • 16 channel LED lighting controllers
  • Pulsing up to 20A per channel
  • 8 trigger inputs
  • Ethernet or RS232 interface options
  • Designed for new generation LEDs
  • Compatible with nearly any LED lighting assembly available today
  • 2A continuous output
  • 4µs minimum pulse width

Application benefits:

  • Very fast bright strobing for freezing motion
  • Very repeatable lighting intensity
  • Driving the LEDs with a constant current, rather than voltage
  • Ability to pulse the output at a higher current to achieve a higher output intensity
  • Pulsing turns the LEDs off when not in use, increasing their MTBF rates, reducing downtime

For a full specification please refer to the refer to the PP1600 datasheet

Manufacturer connection diagrams

  • CCS Connectivity

To get the very best out of your LED lighting solution, in terms of brightness stability and control, the lights should be driven from a current source, not a nominal voltage supply. The Gardasoft controllers are current sources. The PP1600 series LED lighting controller offers 16 output channels which are independently controlled.

You have two options regarding communication; RS232 (PP1660 range) or Ethernet (PP1620 range). The standard versions offer a maximum pulse current of 20A. There are other options which reduce the maximum pulse current to 2A. Each channel can be individually configured to output continuously; or pulsed based on an external trigger signal or internal timer.

The PP16XX models can be quickly configured using our free software which can be downloaded from this page, or for the PP1620 Ethernet enabled controller range simply by accessing the controller via your internet browser; type in the IP address for the controller into your browser and you have full access to all of the parameters. If you are using a third party software package the PP16XX range has a simple command set that is detailed in the manual allowing easy communication. As with all Gardasoft products, all the settings are stored in non-volatile memory, and it will retain these settings even when the Ethernet or RS232 connection is disconnected. Gardasoft Controllers are universally compatible with LED Vision lighting, from manufacturers such as CCS.

The Gardasoft White Paper on LED Controller technology is a useful reference for the principles of attaining maximum performance for Machine Vision illumination.

The Gardasoft White Paper on LED Controller technology is a useful reference for the principles of attaining maximum performance for Machine Vision illumination.

PP16XX Series Specification
  PP1620 PP1621 PP1660 PP1661
User Interface Ethernet RS232
Output current20A pulsed
2A continuous
Steps of 6mA
2A pulsed
2A continuous
Steps of 1mA
20A pulsed
2A continuous
Steps of 6mA
2A pulsed
2A continuous
Steps of 1mA
Trigger inputs8 opto-isolated digital inputs. Require 5V to 24V
Lighting pulse width timing4µs to 1ms in steps of 1µs, variation <1µs
1ms to 1 second in steps of 100µs, variation <5µs
Lighting delay timing4µs to 1ms in steps of 1µs, variation <5µs
1ms to 1 second in steps of 100µs, variation <10µs
Output voltage1.5V to [supply voltage] – 1V
Supply voltage12V to 48V regulated DC
Dimensions280mm by 54mm by 78mm
MountingPanel mount or optional DIN rail kit