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World leaders in
LED Lighting and Control


RTCC4 LED Pulse and Strobe Controllers
  • RTCC4 LED Pulse and Strobe Controllers
  • RTCC4 LED Pulse and Strobe Controllers
  • RTCC4 LED Pulse and Strobe Controllers
  • RTCC4 LED Pulse and Strobe Controllers

RTCC4 Combined LED Control and Trigger Timing

Key features:

  • Combines Lighting Control with Trigger Timing
  • Two extra digital outputs to standard Gardasoft RT Controllers
  • Includes all RTCC4 timing and sequencing functionality
  • Encoder input
  • SafePower™ and SafeSense™ technologies for Lighting Control

For a full specification please refer to the RTCC4 datasheet

The RTCC4 combines the features of the Gardasoft RT Series LED Lighting Controllers with the addition of two digital outputs for Triggering or general use. This combination provides a high level of integration in Machine Vision systems - reducing complexity, space and cost.

Some applications have fixed speed mechanisms and the time from the trigger to the reject gate is well known; for others, an encoder may be used to determine belt movement. Two types of encoder input are supported - one wire systems which have distance only, and two wire systems having distance and belt direction only.

Taking the functionality of the Gardasoft RTCC4 Timing Controller and integrating this into the RT Series controllers enables precise lighting control combined with the ability to trigger external components such as cameras and reject gates. In addition, inputs can be accepted from encoders or proximity switches that can then be used to trigger the lights or one of the additional digital inputs. The Gardasoft White Paper on LED Controller technology is a useful reference for the principles of attaining maximum performance for Machine Vision illumination.

User interfaceEthernetRS232, 115KBaudEthernetRS232, 115KBaud
Output channelsFour independent current outputs with SafeSense™
Output current-2 option: Up to 2A per channel continuous or 2A pulsed in steps of 1mA
-20 option: Up to 3A per channel continuous or 20A pulsed in steps of 5mA
Output powerMax 30W per channel / 50W per controller
Trigger inputs4 opto-isolated digital inputs. Require 3V to 24V
Digital outputs2 open collector outputs
TimingFrom 20µs to 999 ms in steps of 20µs/100µsFrom 1µs to 999 ms in steps of 1µs/100µs
Delay from trigger to pulseFrom 20µs to 999 ms in steps of 20µs/100µsFrom 3µs to 999 ms in steps of 1µs/100µs
Timing repeatabilityDelay + Pulse up to 1ms: 0.1µs for pulse width and 3µs for delay.
Otherwise 100µs
Output voltage0V to 40V
Supply voltageRegulated 24V to 48V
Dimensions159mm long by 97mm wide by 62mm high (excluding DIN fixing)
MountingPanel mounting. DIN rail mount option